Instagram Accelerator Program

The only investment you’ll ever need to scale your business on Instagram.



Coaching Calls



Accelerator Program

The only investment you’ll ever need to scale your business on Instagram.


Here’s where you’re at:

You know Instagram has the potential to reach new people and sell your products/services, but you feel like giving up because your content never performs the way you want it to.

IAP has been an exceptional experience for me. The program not only provided valuable insights and strategies, but it also boosted my confidence and helped me build a thriving Instagram presence.

I would highly recommend the IAP to anyone looking to achieve meaningful results on Instagram while enjoying the journey.


Everyone’s posting the same old generic content. You want to stand out but you don’t know how.

Just when you get into a flow of creating content, you get bored
of what you’re posting.

Scaling your business on IG feels draining and complicated.
You want it to be fun, reliable and straight-forward.

You need a program that’s personalized specifically to your goals, audience and style to own your place on Instagram.

The solution isn’t more Canva templates or overused hooks…

No fluff or short-term thinking that jumps on the hottest trend or new feature that no one uses (anyone remember Guides?!)

IAP focusses on marketing principles that NEVER expire. 

Because when everyone else is getting caught up in the ever-changing algorithm, do you know what doesn’t change? 

The psychology behind WHY people buy and how to get people to care about what you’re putting in front of them.

By investing in IAP now, it will serve you for every post, every new launch, and all future marketing efforts you’ll make in your business.


I used to spend so much time trying to think of what to post but Elle’s simple yet detailed program (your GNC strategy is genius, Elle!) changed it completely. Creating content and selling my coaching service feels authentic, easy and not sleazy.

My monthly income has doubled since joining the program IAP!


IAP has been an exceptional experience for me. The program not only provided valuable insights and strategies, but it also boosted my confidence and helped me build a thriving Instagram presence.

I would highly recommend the IAP to anyone looking to achieve meaningful results on Instagram while enjoying the journey.


I always figured just putting more and more and more out there would lead to growth but IAP made me realize there needs to be more intention & thought process behind content if you really want social media as a driver of your business.


IAP is for you if:

✅ You want to utilize Instagram
to attract potential leads with powerful content that’s easy to create and actually performs the way you intend it to.

IAP has been an exceptional experience for me. The program not only provided valuable insights and strategies, but it also boosted my confidence and helped me build a thriving Instagram presence.

I would highly recommend the IAP to anyone looking to achieve meaningful results on Instagram while enjoying the journey.


✅ You make your clients / customers lives BETTER with your products and services.

✅ You want me by your side every step of the way to make confident decisions and breakthrough what you ever thought was possible in just 12 weeks.

✅ You’re clear on the products
and services you sell (or a good idea of what they’ll be).

Your time is too precious
and your business is too critical to waste your energy creating content that doesn’t gain momentum. 

So let’s not waste another second!


In IAP, we turn this...

Slow growth

Unsure what to post

Stagnant followers, no matter how much you post.

Constantly looking at other accounts for ideas.

No strategy

Low reach

Posting without direction, intention or purpose.

Attracting bots rather than your ideal clients.

Little to no leads

Lacking confidence

No one reaching out about your services.

Questioning every decision and next move.


Momentous growth

Endless ideas

Your eyes will light up seeing green stats!

Generate an ever-growing list of content ideas.

Reliable strategy

My GNC strategy will serve you forever.

Constant leads

Wake up to an inbox of potential new leads.

Into this...

Persistent reach

Full confidence

Speak directly to your ideal clients beyond your followers.

Know exactly how to show up to maximize results.

Do you crave feeling confident on Instagram, marketing your business with clarity and ease? 

Then IAP is exactly what you’ve been looking for.

What makes IAP unbeatable?


IAP has been an exceptional experience for me. The program not only provided valuable insights and strategies, but it also boosted my confidence and helped me build a thriving Instagram presence.

I would highly recommend the IAP to anyone looking to achieve meaningful results on Instagram while enjoying the journey.


Pinpoint exactly what you want to become known for, what content to post and how to stand out in your niche. 


Get crystal clear on who you’re targeting, how you help them and how to communicate that effectively on IG.

GNC content strategy

The only strategy you’ll ever need to reach new people, build an engaged community and sell with ease on IG.

Content calendar

Outline a 30-day content calendar to post intentionally every week on your feed and Stories with ease.


Track your success with specific insights for each effort. 

Me as your personal IG Coach

You have access to me 24/7 whilst inside IAP! Whether you have a question to ask on Slack or want to book a 1:1 coaching call, I’m here to guide you, provide expert feedback and keep you motivated and accountable. 

Hot seat coaching + workshops

Fresh, in-person training with me every other week and a brilliant opportunity to surround yourself with other service-based businesses to grow your network.

This is NOT another one size
fits all program.

IAP teaches you how to
better understand yourself,
your business, your offers and your audience to become an Instagram marketing expert, and actually enjoy the process!

I’ll be your personal Instagram Coach every step of the way, guiding you to scale your business in ways that feel right for you.


Bonus resources on creating better Reels, carousels, and best practises for streamlining your efforts on IG.

What makes IAP unbeatable: 



GNC content strategy

Content calendar


Me as your personal Instagram Coach

Hot seat coaching + workshops

Pinpoint exactly what you want to become known for, what content to post and how to stand out in your niche. 

Get crystal clear on who you’re targeting, how you help them and how to communicate that effectively on IG.

Bonus resources on creating better Reels, carousels, and best practises for IG.

Outline a 30-day content calendar to post intentionally every week on your feed and Stories with ease.

Track your success with specific insights for each effort. 

You have access to me 24/7 whilst inside IAP! Whether you have a question to ask on Slack or want to book a 1:1 coaching call, I’m here to guide you, provide expert feedback and keep you motivated and accountable. 

Fresh, in-person training with me every other week and a brilliant opportunity to surround yourself with other service-based businesses to grow your network.

This is NOT another one size fits all program.


The only strategy you’ll ever need to reach new people, build an engaged community and sell with ease on Instagram.

      Want to talk it through first?

      Book a call with me to discuss your Instagram needs and see how IAP will transform your business. 

      Join IAP now for:

      1 payment

      3 monthly payments

      2 monthly payments




      All prices are USD

      IAP teaches you how to better understand yourself, your business, your offers and your audience to become an Instagram marketing expert, and actually enjoy the process!

      I’ll be your personal Instagram Coach every step of the way, guiding you to scale your business in ways that feel right for you.

      Join IAP now for:

      1 payment


      3 monthly payments


      2 monthly payments


      All prices are USD

      No sleazy tactics or
      dancing on Reels...

      Most businesses on Instagram fail at the first step— they focus on posting more or using done-for-you, boring content ideas that have no purpose or strategy.

      That’s why the first thing we cover in IAP is what
      YOU want to become known for and how YOU want
      to show up. 

      This program has advanced over 60 businesses,
      with each one finding their own style and flow.

      Using my proven GNC content strategy, you’ll stop wasting your time posting without a purpose.

      Your hooks will be more desirable, your CTAs will serve their purpose and you’ll never need to worry about coming up with relevant content ideas ever again.

      LET’S DO IT!

      My biggest success after joining the course was that I started having more clients and people reaching out to me within a couple weeks of implementing the things I had been learning in the IAP.

      I’m so glad I invested into this program, because I’ve learned to create valuable content that serves my followers and helps me grow my business without wasting hours on my phone. Now I have a clear strategy which saves me stress and time!

      No more confusion or indecision.
      It’s time to make Instagram work for you!

      IAP is the only Instagram program that outlines a 10 week posting schedule
      (3 feed posts and 3 Stories per week)
      that reach new people, grow your community and convert followers into leads every
      single week. 


      No sleazy tactics or
      dancing on Reels...

      Most businesses on Instagram fail at the first step— they focus on posting more or using done-for-you, boring content ideas that have no purpose or strategy.

      That’s why the first thing we cover in IAP
      is what you want to become known for and how you want to show up. 

      This program has advanced over 60 businesses, with each one finding their own style and flow.

      Using my proven GNC content strategy, you’ll stop wasting your time posting without a purpose.

      Your hooks will be more desirable, your CTAs will serve their purpose and you’ll never need to worry about coming up with relevant content ideas ever again.

      IAP is the only Instagram program that outlines a 10 week posting schedule (3 feed posts and 3 Stories per week) that reach new people, grow your community and convert followers into leads every single week. 

      No more confusion or indecision. 

      It’s time to make Instagram work for you!

      I’M IN - LET’S GO

      Lara, E-commerce Coach

      IAP has been amazing. So valuable and has given me soooo much confidence to get my account going. The course is packed full of actionable strategies and your GNC strategy is easy to follow. Love it!

      Sandra, Illustrator & Graphic Designer

      After 3 months in the program, I still go back to re-watching many of those gold nuggets of Instagram expertise Elle throws out seemingly effortlessly, and I learn something new every time. Elle really knows her stuff.

      She’s a real pro!

      Sarah, High Performance Coach

      I get messages every single day about how life changing my content is.

      I’ve seen a huge bump in saves, shares, comments and particularly DMs. Now when I do an “Ask me anything” on my IG stories, I only get serious responses.

      People really know me for my content now. 

      Munodiwa, Interior Designer

      This has massively changed the way
      I think of my business and helped me start thinking of selling as easy rather than uncomfortable. 

      Amal, Creative Design Studio

      The part I enjoyed most about IAP was the bite-sized detailed information, the step-by-step guides and the strategy.

      Most importantly building a relationship with you and the IAP community, sharing wins and feedbacks with 0 judgments.

      Sakina, Brand Strategist

      Working with Elle has been a transformative experience. Her wealth of knowledge, compassionate nature, and unwavering dedication make her an exceptional support to have.

      I wholeheartedly recommend her services to anyone seeking to elevate their social media presence while prioritizing their authenticity and holistic well-being.

      Ala, Digital Marketing Consultant

      I couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome from IAP! 

      The program was easy to follow and very effective. To anyone looking to get their Insta account off the ground, join IAP, it’ll give you so much clarity!

      Spencer, Behaviour & Performance Coach

      I can’t recommend Elle highly enough.
      After being on social media and blowing it off for a long time, I have come away with an excellent game plan of how I want to show up and what purpose it serves.

      Craig, Visual Artist

      Your course is a game changer and I think your best asset is YOU. You have the balance of professionalism and approachability that makes it easy to ask any questions, be vulnerable and trust in your insightful and in depth advice.

      Upon joining IAP, my entire perspective on Instagram changed.

      It felt like I was given exclusive access behind the scenes, where everything was explained in detail. To my amazement, I started seeing results in a remarkably short period.

      I am incredibly grateful to Elle and the IAP for transforming my Instagram journey and providing me with the knowledge and tools to thrive.


      Personalized business coaching

      Generate leads on Instagram


      My most impactful takeaway was that I had to dig a little deeper into my message and what impact I want my business to have.

      Through Elle’s strategic method I am confident in how to post on IG to gain new followers and retain those I have in a genuine way that leads to natural sales.

      Personal and business growth


      The most impactful takeaway from the program was the increase in my self-confidence regarding my knowledge and abilities. I have managed to grow my Instagram accounts and consistently receive amazing feedback from my audience regarding the quality and informativeness of my posts.

      In fact, people were already inquiring about my services even before I had them readily available.


      The biggest takeaway is that others are asking me how did I get my instagram to become what it is, and without Elle, I would still be mucking about following trends, instead of realizing my real potential.

      Thank you Elle for allowing me to find my voice and share.


      As a result from joining IAP, I have to say it feels so good to have put a lot of deep thought into my brand, my image, and how I’m presenting things. Elle always gives such great strategic advice that is bite-sized and I’m able to immediately implement.

      Actually enjoy creating content


      Since joining IAP I always get inspiration from different sources almost daily and implementing these tactics has become second nature.

      I now finally enjoy the process of creating content and know exactly how to do it properly. Not only that but I now have a better idea of how to showcase my services and products to others without sounding salesy or directly asking people to purchase one of my offerings – it’s easy, simple, and effortless.


      Overall, the IAP has been an exceptional experience for me.

      The program not only provided valuable insights and strategies, but it also boosted my confidence and helped me build a thriving Instagram presence.

      I would highly recommend the IAP to anyone looking to achieve meaningful results on Instagram while enjoying the journey.

      Powerful content that gets results

      Community support


      The community aspect of IAP is so underrated and something I didn't know was part of the programme before I joined.

      The bi-weekly community lives and the Slack group have allowed me to connect with many different people in the industry with incredible business ideas which have become a new source of inspiration for me.

      Long-lasting Instagram knowledge

      What you can expect from IAP...

      IAP has been amazing. So valuable and
      has given me soooo much confidence to get my account going. The course is packed full of actionable strategies and your GNC strategy is easy to follow. Love it!

      My biggest success after joining the course was that I started having more clients and people reaching out to me within a couple weeks of implementing the things I had been learning in the IAP.

      I’m so glad I invested into this program, because I’ve learned to create valuable content that serves my followers and helps me grow my business without wasting hours on my phone. Now I have a clear strategy which saves me stress and time!

      After 3 months in the program, I still go back to re-watching many of those gold nuggets of Instagram expertise Elle throws out seemingly effortlessly, and I learn something new every time.

      Elle really knows her stuff.
      She’s a real pro!

      Upon joining IAP, my entire perspective
      on Instagram changed.

      It felt like I was given exclusive access behind the scenes, where everything was explained in detail. To my amazement,
      I started seeing results in a remarkably short period.

      I am incredibly grateful to Elle and the IAP
      for transforming my Instagram journey and providing me with the knowledge
      and tools to thrive.

      I get messages every single day about
      how life changing my content is.

      I’ve seen a huge bump in saves, shares, comments and particularly DMs. Now when I do an “Ask me anything” on my IG Stories, I only get serious responses.

      People really know me for my content now. 

      Elle’s program has been a game changer
      to not only my business but also to my Instagram Strategy.

      This has massively changed the way
      I think of my business and helped me
      start thinking of selling as easy rather
      than uncomfortable. 

      The part I enjoyed most about IAP was
      the bite-sized detailed information, the step-by-step guides and the strategy.

      Most importantly building a relationship with you and the IAP community, sharing wins and feedbacks with 0 judgments.

      Working with Elle has been a transformative experience. Her wealth of knowledge, compassionate nature, and unwavering dedication make her an exceptional support to have.

      I couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome from IAP! 

      The program was easy to follow and very effective. To anyone looking to get their Insta account off the ground, join IAP,
      it’ll give you so much clarity!

      I can’t recommend Elle highly enough.
      After being on social media and blowing it off for a long time, I have come away with an excellent game plan of how I want to show up and what purpose it serves.

      Spencer, behaviour & performance coach

      Ala, digital marketing consultant

      sakina, brand strategist

      amal, creative design studio

      Munodiwa, interior designer

      sarah, high performance coach

      can, instagram coach

      sandra, illustrator & graphic designer

      naomi, nutrition coach

      lara, e-commerce coach

      Personalized business coaching

      Your course is a game changer and I
      think your best asset is YOU. You have
      the balance of professionalism and approachability that makes it easy to ask any questions, be vulnerable and trust in your insightful and in depth advice.

      Craig, Visual Artist

      Lead generation

      My most impactful takeaway was that I had to dig a little deeper into my message and what impact I want my business to have.

      Through Elle’s strategic method I am confident in how to post on IG to gain new followers and retain those I have in a genuine way that leads to natural sales.


      Personal and business growth

      The biggest takeaway is that others are asking me how did I get my instagram to become what it is, and without Elle, I would still be mucking about following trends, instead of realizing my real potential.

      Thank you Elle for allowing me to find my voice and share.


      As a result from joining IAP, I have to say it feels so good to have put a lot of deep thought into my brand, my image, and how I’m presenting things. Elle always gives such great strategic advice that is bite-sized and I’m able to immediately implement.


      The most impactful takeaway from the program was the increase in my self-confidence regarding my knowledge and abilities. I have managed to grow my Instagram accounts and consistently receive amazing feedback from my audience regarding the quality and informativeness of my posts.

      In fact, people were already inquiring about my services even before I had them readily available.


      Actually enjoy creating content

      Overall, the IAP has been an exceptional experience for me.

      The program not only provided valuable insights and strategies, but it also boosted my confidence and helped me build a thriving Instagram presence.

      I would highly recommend the IAP to anyone looking to achieve meaningful results on Instagram while enjoying the journey.


      Since joining IAP I always get inspiration from different sources almost daily and implementing these tactics has become second nature.

      I now finally enjoy the process of creating content and know exactly how to do it properly. Not only that but I now have a better idea of how to showcase my services and products to others without sounding salesy or directly asking people to purchase one of my offerings – it’s easy, simple, and effortless.


      Powerful content that gets results

      Community support

      The community aspect of IAP is so underrated and something I didn't know was part of the programme before I joined.

      The bi-weekly community lives and the Slack group have allowed me to connect with many different people in the industry with incredible business ideas which have become a new source of inspiration for me.


      Long-lasting IG knowledge

      This is what you can expect in IAP...

      How are the 12 weeks structured?



      Growth content

      Nurture content

      Convert content

      Content Calendar


      Internal analysis of your business to define your offer(s), who you’re targeting and what topics you need to talk about on Instagram in order to become known for one thing.

      We’ll deep dive into various ways to showcase your offer(s) and communicate the value to resonate directly with your target audience.

      Build the know, like and trust factor with your followers to create solid relationships with people who care about what you have to say.

      Use Instagram features like Stories, Highlights and DMs to bring your aligned messaging to life and convert your followers into leads ready to invest in your services.

      Put everything into practice with a
      30-day content schedule to keep you consistent.

      Track specific metrics to maximize your efforts and results.

      You’ll start with the signature program modules:

      Expand your reach and influence on Instagram with my growth tactics to bring fresh eyes to your page.

      Once you’re implementing GNC every week, you unlock:

      Once you increase your leads on IG, you then unlock:

      Also included: Extra resources you might need

      Streamline your process

      Tactics and strategies to make your efforts quicker, easier and more efficient.

      Sell in the DMs

      How to have successful sales conversations in the DMs.


      Bonus resources on creating better Reels, carousels, and best practises for streamlining your efforts on IG.




      What support do I get?

      1:1 Coaching Calls

      You get 3x 30-minute coaching calls included to use throughout the 12 weeks. These are perfect to get specific feedback, actionable tips and accountability.

      24/7 Slack

      Hot seat coaching + workshops

      Got a question? Ask me and the IAP community anything you need on Slack. We have a #feedback channel, #wins channel and we can chat privately.

      Meet with myself and like-minded business owners to learn, network and lift each other up. 


      How are the 12 weeks structured?


      IAP has been an exceptional experience for me. The program not only provided valuable insights and strategies, but it also boosted my confidence and helped me build a thriving Instagram presence.

      I would highly recommend the IAP to anyone looking to achieve meaningful results on Instagram while enjoying the journey.


      Internal analysis of your business to define your offer(s), who you’re targeting and what topics you need to talk about on Instagram in order to become known for one thing.


      We’ll deep dive into various ways to showcase your offer(s) and communicate the value to resonate directly with your target audience.

      Growth content

      Expand your reach and influence on Instagram with my growth tactics to bring fresh eyes to your page.

      Nurture content

      Build the know, like and trust factor with your followers to create solid relationships with people who care about what you have to say.

      Convert content

      Use Instagram features like Stories, Highlights and DMs to bring your aligned messaging to life and convert your followers into leads ready to invest in your services.

      Content Calendar

      Put everything into practice with a
      30-day content schedule to keep you consistent.


      Track specific metrics to maximize your efforts and results.


      Bonus resources on creating better Reels, carousels, and best practises for streamlining your efforts on IG.

      You’ll start with the signature program modules:

      Once you’re implementing GNC every week, you unlock:

      Streamline your process

      Tactics and strategies to make your efforts quicker, easier and more efficient.

      Once you increase your leads on IG, you then unlock:

      Sell in the DMs

      How to have successful sales conversations in the DMs.



      Also included: Bonus resources


      What support do I get?

      1:1 Coaching Calls

      You get 3x 30-minute coaching calls included to use throughout the 12 weeks. These are perfect to get specific feedback, actionable tips and accountability.

      24/7 Slack

      Got a question? Ask me and the IAP community anything you need on Slack. We have a #feedback channel, #wins channel and we can chat privately.

      Hot seat coaching

      Meet with myself and like-minded business owners to learn, network and lift each other up. 


      I’m short on time, how many hours will I need to dedicate to the program?

      As business owners, Instagram marketing is just a part of what we do.
      So I’ve created IAP to take up just 1-4 hours of your time each week.

      You can work through it as fast or as slow as you need.

      I’m low on funds, do you have payment plans available?

      Absolutely! I believe everyone should have access to the education they need to grow their business, so I offer payment plans of 3 or 6 months.

      How do I know if I need the full program or a consulting call?

      Consulting calls are great for business owners or personal brands who have a few smaller goals, like increasing linkinbio clicks or improving their Reels. Oftentimes (even on consulting calls) my clients don’t realize how much they actually need to change.

      IAP aligns you with what you want to be known for, teaches you a full content strategy and gives you the confidence to try new things with an Instagram Expert and a community by your side. IAP is hands down the best way to achieve your desired results.

      I’m experienced in Instagram Marketing,
      will I still get value from this course?

      The short answer— yes! I’ve had Marketing Agencies, Instagram Coaches and Social Media Managers complete IAP who were blown away at the value they got from the program. I don’t teach tacky growth hacks, novice posting suggestions or how to use Canva. IAP is all about the strategy behind attracting your ideal clients, getting them to care about your content and motivating them to want to work with you.

      Can anyone join the Instagram Accelerator Program?

      No, IAP is designed specifically for service-based businesses like coaches, consultants, agencies, trainers, designers, artists, creatives etc. Ideally, you already have an Instagram page setup and an idea of what services you want to offer, but this isn’t essential. Product-based businesses would get the most value from a consulting call.

      IAP sounds amazing! What’s the next step?

      Fantastic! To enrol you can either sign up using the checkout buttons above or book a call with me if you’d like to chat about IAP in more detail.

      LET’S DO IT!

      I’m short on time, how many hours will I need to dedicate to the program?

      As business owners, Instagram marketing is just a part of what we do. So I’ve created IAP to take up just 1-4 hours of your time each week.

      I’m low on funds, do you have payment plans available?

      Absolutely! I believe everyone should have access to the education they need to grow their business, so I offer payment plans of 3 or 6 months.

      How do I know if I need the full program or a consulting call?

      Consulting calls are great for business owners or personal brands who have a few smaller goals, like increasing linkinbio clicks or improving their Reels. Oftentimes (even on consulting calls) my clients don’t realize how much they actually need to change. IAP aligns you with what you want to be known for, teaches you a full content strategy and gives you the confidence to try new things with an Instagram Expert and a community by your side. IAP is hands down the best way to achieve your desired results.

      I’m experienced in Instagram Marketing, will I still get value from this course?

      The short answer— yes! I’ve had Marketing Agencies, Instagram Coaches and Social Media Managers complete IAP who were blown away at the value they got from the program. I don’t teach tacky growth hacks, novice posting suggestions or how to use Canva. IAP is all about the strategy behind attracting your ideal clients, getting them to care about your content and motivating them to want to work with you.

      Can anyone join the Instagram Accelerator Program?

      No, IAP is designed specifically for service-based businesses like coaches, consultants, agencies, trainers, designers, artists, creatives etc. Ideally, you already have an Instagram page setup and an idea of what services you want to offer, but this isn’t essential. Product-based businesses would get the most value from a consulting call.

      consulting call.

      IAP sounds amazing! What’s the next step?

      Fantastic! To enrol you can either sign up using the checkout buttons above or book a call with me if you’d like to chat about IAP in more detail.

      LET’S DO IT!